Institute of Business and
Degree (LL.B)
Paralegal Courses Introduction to Law A-Level Law Labour Law |
Trust Administration | Computer Studies |
English as a foreign language |
A law degree will not only lead to a detailed knowledge of law and the legal system, but is also an ideal opportunity to dvelop powers of analysis and reasoning. A raw material of legal studies is human activity in all its diverse form, which is why such a wide range of topics is covered by the London LL.B.
The LL.B Degree Programme offers the opportunity to achieve a University Degree without the inconvenience of having to travel abroad.
The overview (introductory) programme is designed to prepare students for the LL.B Mainstream programme, which consists of twelve subjects (three subjects per year for a period of four years). The subjects are as follows:
Criminal law | Constitutional law | Land Law | Jurisprudence and Legal Theory |
English Legal System | Law of Tort | Evidence | Administrative Law |
Elements of the law of Contract | Law of Trust | Family Law | Conflict of Laws |
Criminology |
All LL.B students studying at IBC are strongly advised to register under Scheme B.
Additional LL.B subjects will be offered upon request.
Registration Fee - $25.00 Students are required to register each term. Registration fees are non-refundable.
Subject Fee - $330.00 (per subject).
Tuition for the first two terms must be paid in full in advance.
The ten-week period includes a mid-term break.
Form of payment: cash, credit card, certified cheques. --- Sorry no personal cheques accepted ---
Fees are payable at the time of Registration.
LL.B Degree examinations are scheduled in May/June of each year by the Ministry of Education.
Examination Results
A list of successful candidates is published each term.
Re-sit examinations
Re-sit examinations are held in late October/early November of each year. Students who have been referred in a paper in the June Examinations may re-sit the paper in October/Novemebr or during the following June.
LLB Examination
Results to date at
Institute of Business and Commerce are
as follows:
First year
78% passes
50 %
BGCSE Examinations are held in May and June of each year.
Examinations are held each term
(four per year): September, December,
March and June.
Syllabus Outline
Civil Litigation - the formalities for commencing an action, including drafting an originating summons, writ and statement of claim; petitions, notice and memorandum of appearance, judgement in default, notice of trial, orders, drafting a defence; drafting an affidavit, Pleadings, and Summons for Direction.
Estate Administration - drafting a Will; drafting a simple trust deed; the formalities for obtaining probate.
Company Procedures - drafting a Memorandum and Articles of Association; Statutory Declaration, Resolution of Meetings, Minutes of Meetings, Annual State,ment naming and other formalities for incorporating a company; incorporating International Business Companies.
Property Law - drafting a conveyance; drafting a mortgage; making an application under the Quieting Titles Act.
Whilst there will be no textbook for the Paralegal Introductory course, students will be referred to various publications and newspapers, as well as statutes and case reports.
Course Duration
Subject Fee - $375.00
Registration Fee - $25
This course is designed to provide those interested in acquiring a working knowledge of the legal environment and legal principles, with an introduction into such matters, so that they can then proceed to more advanced law courses or return to their workplace with a fuller understanding of the nature of their work.
Potential Student: Those employed in commerce, industry, law offices, banks, trust companies, commercial organisations, or any other area of employment which involves aspects of law, legal rights and duties, where a rudimentary knowledge of the law would assist in understanding the duties they are expected to perform.
Paralegal Courses have been specifically developed to offer the maximum level of flexibility and convenience of study.
Advantages include:
Flexible modes of study
No formal examinations
Competitive study fees
There are no formal examinations. Assessments will be entirely through the completion of assignments. The programme allows completion of assignments at your own pace. Completed assignments will be marked by our Attorneys who act as assessors for IBC, thereby ensuring that a national standard is maintained.
Emergency/Illness - In cases of emergency or illness, the student is allowed to attempt assignments at a later date which is convenient.
Failure - If the required level of competence is not met, the student will be required to repeat the task or assignment and will be allowed to attempt up to two assignments.
Award - Once the student is confirmed as having satisfactorily completed the course, the appropriate Certificate will be awarded.
Syllabus - The syllabus provides a study of general principles of law comprised of two Modules of a core block of legal knowledge and skills.
fee - $25.00 Students are required to register each term.
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Fee - $375.00 per term. Subject fees are due at the time of
Form of payment: cash, credit card, certified cheques. --- Sorry no personal cheques accepted ---
Trust Officers are persons who design and create trust instruments and administer and oversee investments programmes for trust and estate and generall ensure that the terms of trust instruments are observed.
This course is designed for persons who are employed as Estate and Trust Specialists and who are engaged as Trust Administrators, Trust Officers, Will Review Officers and Estate Planners.
Students pursuing the trust course will receive instructions on how a Trust may be created and how it functions in order to:
- Preserve wealth
- Settle property so as to minimise liability of taxation
- Protect wealth from being exhausted by creditors and extravagant or reckless beneficiaries, and
- Provide security for beneficiaries
Syllabus Outline
Estate and Trust Administration Level 1 (522)
Estate and Trust Administration Level 2 (531)
Taxation of Estates and Trusts (523/533)
Financial Services in Canada (591)