Institute of Business and
Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Lotus I, II, III, Database, Internet Training. Other Software upon request.
Course Outline
Introduction to Computers: An overview of Computers; Computer Software Applications; Input to the Computer; The System unit; Output from the computer; Secondary Storage; Operating Systems; Windows Basics.
Wordprocessing - Microsoft Word: Keyboarding; Editing Documents; Formatting Documents; Using Numbering and Bullet Functions; Printing Documents; Spell Check.
Excel - Spreadsheet Level I: Excel Features; Worksheet Window; Entering and Changing Data; Creating Worksheets; Editing Worksheets; Prrinting a Worksheet; Formatting Worksheets; Using Formulas and Functions; Copying Formulas and Data; Statistical Functions.
The overall objective is to describe accounting fundamentals as they relate to today's business world.
It is the comprehensive financial information about the state of a business and the production of financial statements using double-entry book-keeping.
Prospective Student: The examination is aimed at the student who is seeking basic qualification in Book-keeping and Accounts. The student upon successful completion is equipped to fulfil a junior position within an accounts office.
The examination consists of the following:
Apply principles, concepts and conventions used in the preparation of account statements; record capital as real assets, as well as cash, fixed assets, current assets, current liabilities, gross and net profit. Distinguish between and give examples of revenue and capital expenditure; illustrate the relationship of net profit to the capital account; prepare capital account to record initial capital invested cash drawing and net profit transferred from the profit and loss account; interpret basic accounting terms and documentation. Record by double-entry book-keeping simple entry transactions concerning the purchase of assets, sale of goods, returns and sales returns. Prepare a two-column cash book to record the receipt and payments of cash, cheques, standing orders, direct debits. Show an understanding of the functions and operations of current banj accounts; interpret bank statements and cash book in order to draft bank reconciliation statements: use Vouchers; Balance Ledger accounts, extract trial balance from ledger. Prepare simple profit and loss accounts and prepare simple balance sheets in vertical and horizontal formats.
Office Procedures provides a realistic and comprehensiive understanding of business situations in today's modern office. It provides information and instruction on Personnel and Technology (the use of the relevant types of machinery and equipment) in addition to documents, e.g., Business and expense Reports, Bank Records, Financial Statement, Letter writing, using placement style, finding and applying for a job, Typewriting Theory, Handling Incoming and Outgoing Mail, Filing Procedures, Statements, the use of Business forms and Petty Cash.
Potential Students: Level I applies to those students who intend to work or those who have worked or are working in entry level positions. It is considered an appropriate course for those already enrolled in full-time courses who require a basic knowledge for a higher level of secretarial skills or administrative courses.
An advanced course - (Level II) may be taken after successful completion of level I.
Students are encouraged to take the Pitman Examination after completion of each course.
Production of accurate and mailable material from typewriting or manuscript drafts at a minimum keyboarding speed.
Elementary Typewriting is designed to teach the Student the keyboard, basic techniques, correct operation, and care and maintenance of the machine.
The Six-week Intensive Typewriting course was first introduced in The Bahamas by IBC in 1991. This course is designed for the beginner to enter the first Pitman Examinations in only six weeks of Typing. (Typing books are supplied by IBC).
Crash courses are available upon request for individuals or professional groups who may wish to learn the keyboard only in a minimum amount of time.
Typewiting examinations may be taken at three Levels: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced in both the Pitman and BGCSE. During the examinations students are required to show at a minimum speed how much they can produce in a given time. The production work includes the typing and display of letters, manuscripts, memoranda, typescripts, forms, display material, statistical tabulation lists, invoices, statements, reports and committee documents.
The examinations are intended to test successive levels of general ability in the skill of typewriting. Various exercises are given in terms of length and difficulty. Typewriting and other Pitman subject Examinations are held at IBC which is a centre for Pitman Examinations.
Shorthand is a vital tool for college students in the taking of verbatim notes and for the production of recordings of meetings and conferences. it provides transcribers with the ability to produce accurate records of vital proceedings. in addition, Shorthand is invaluable for secretaries who frequently take dictation and whose employers require transcribed notes on an urgent or regular basis.
Systems: Gregg and Pitman
- to provide the student with knowledge of principles, i.e., its purpose, structures and presentation;
- to guide the student in writing a verbatim record of dictated passages using shorthand at specified speeds;
- to guide the student in the reproduction of the verbatim shorthand notes to accurate and mailable manuscripts in English;
- to develop an awareness of the command of the English Language.
ENGLISH (for Business Communication)
The aim of the English for Business Communications is to test the students understanding of business communications in English at an elementary level and their ability to perform written tasks.
Potential students: English for Business Communications is designed for students who intend to work or who are presently working in positions requiring the ability to write simple business communications in English. The student should have an appreciation of letter-writing and be able to communicate in writing for simple, practical needs.
The student should demonstrate the ability to understand simple business communications and to respond to them clearly and concisely.
Students are encouraged to take either the Pitman Exaaminations as outlined above, the BGCSE or its equivalent.
This assessment scheme is designed for candidates who wish too demonstarte that they have acquired competency in written communication skills and is suitable for candidates following a variety of vocational courses in colleges of further education and adult education. Examinations consist of the following areas: An understanding of the various forms and uses of language, Comprehension, Accuracy and resourcefulness in writing, Awareness and understanding of meaning, Composition and essay Writing.
To provide the student with principles to solve business problems.
Basic concepts related to business situations: Percentages, depreciation, Property tax, Insurance, Simple and Compound Interest, Bank Discount, Payroll, Calculating a firm's Profit and Loss.
To extend the student's knowledge of Spanish Grammar so as to develop a greater proficiency in the use of more complex grammatical structures, tenses and moods. It provides intensive preparation for the Spanish BGCSE Examinations.